Non-invasive brain stimulation for early diagnosis and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease.

Non-invasive gamma stimulation to combat cognitive deficits and neuropsychiatric symptoms in MCI and Alzheimer’s disease.

Single domain antibodies as diagnostic and therapeutic tools for Alzheimer’s disease.

Radiogenomics for early detection of Alzheimer’s Disease: combining DNA methylation-based liquid biopsy and advanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging (READy).

A natural variant of the autophagic receptor NDP52 as a possible target for novel treatments in Alzheimer’s disease.

ER – Mitochondria contact sites in Alzheimer disease: Transglutaminase 2 a novel therapeutic target (ric BASE).

Sviluppo di test per diagnosticare la malattia in una fase sempre più precoce.

Ricerca di nuovi farmaci e di trattamenti non farmacologici.

Ricerca di nuovi farmaci e di trattamenti non farmacologici.